◎Training the Right Kind of Graduates

Considering the economic importance of our heavily export-oriented textile and fashion industry to the local economy, and its overall thrust of moving away from OEM to ODM and OBM, we feel assured that our graduates are the kind that are, and will be, needed now and in the future. Moreover, considering that Asia has become the world’s fashion production center, it is only a matter of time that it also will excel in the innovative design field, aimed at the creation of local and global brands. Therefore, the formation of graduates with design expertise, production and marketing management know-how, and ‘sustainable development’ mind-set – combined with foreign language and good communication skills – seems more relevant than ever.

Considering the need for well-motivated local students we continue to pursue flexible student admission policies so as to attract individuals really interested in the fashion business.

Based on positive past experience the Department continues its initiatives of admitting international and exchange students so as to provide a challenging global learning environment to our students.

◎Emphasis on Quality

We look with confidence to the future by doing better what we are doing already, namely concentrating our efforts above all on quality education After all, it is the quality of our graduates and their performance in industry and business that will ultimately determine the reputation, influence and relevance of our educational efforts. Analyzing changing global trends, seeking industry advice on course offerings, strengthen purpose-directed cooperative relationships and partnerships are indispensable to compete for leadership in the Asian fashion education arena.

At the same time we remain committed to the foundational principles of this Catholic University in mind and heart to insure the primacy of holistic human and integrated professional development above narrow-based skill-centered expertise and know-how.

Furthermore, we increasingly utilize the feedback, expertise, and capabilities of dedicated alumni and constantly update and foster relationships by means of our national and overseas T. C. Alumni Association.